Lancastrian Conclave Team Visit. Thursday 30th May 2019
The final team visit of the Season took place on Thursday 30th May 2019, At Lancastrian Conclave meeting at Widnes, followed by a superb Festive Board at the Hillcrest Hotel, situated a little further down the road.
V.Ill Knight Fred Hargreaves, D.I.G., P.Sovereign Jim Tang
with E.Kt. Ian Richards, Viceroy
Although this is a small Conclave, what it lacks in quantity, it certainly made up for in quality. The Treasurer, Recorder and Marshall for the evening was Ill. Bro Geoff Gill, who we later heard was to be the Divisional Eusebius for the forthcoming Season. He started the evening in style, by moving some of the Conclave furniture to accommodate the Divisional team, who with the Sepulchre Guard, certainly filled the Temple to the rafters. There was a guest Most Puissant Sovereign for the evening, in the guise of Ill. Knight Gordon Turner, who did an excellent job in that role,
V.Ill Knight Fred Hargreaves, D.I.G. and Ill.Kt. Gordon Turner P.G.W.of Reg.
The Deputy Intendent General, standing in for the Intendent General who was engaged in RCC business elsewhere, introduced the Divisional team and the Sepulchre Guard to the Conclave.
The Conclave welcomed a joining member W.Kt. Ian Richards, whose mother Conclave is on the Island of Malta. His reputation obviously proceeded him, because within 10 minutes, he was made the Eminent Viceroy of the Conclave. That Ceremony was beautifully performed and word perfect, by the Eminent Viceroy P.Kt Jim Tang. Jim was delighted to be installed as the Most Puissant Sovereign, by Ill. Kt. Gordon Turner, who was also word perfect. It was lovely to see that the Knights had studied their ritual, which was delivered in a warm and friendly but accurate manner.
The 'Top Table'
The Deputy Intendent General then led the Conclave to the Hillcrest Hotel, where a very enjoyable meal was delivered at a reasonable price. The night concluded with all those present having enjoyed the Ceremony, festive board and each  other’s company.
Iain Brown

P. Div. Eusebius.